
Stephen Adams

Stephen Adams is a sports writer/blogger for Wahoo's On First. He graduated from The Ohio State University in 2008 with a BA in History and Political Science. In 2012, he graduated from Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, FL, and currently resides in Cleveland, OH. In the legal field, his focus centers around property law as well as oil and gas law. With a strong passion for baseball, Steve Adams also coaches freshman baseball at St. Edward High School. As a Cleveland sports fan, there hasn't been much to cheer for in the past, but the winds are shifting, the clouds are moving out, and the sun is beginning to shine as Cleveland is becoming the center of the sports world again! Go Tribe!

Columbus Clippers: Season Success and Promising Young Talent

Stephen Adams

Indians’ Minor League Playoff Update- Clippers, Rubberducks, & Captains

Stephen Adams

Columbus Clippers Begin Playoffs Tonight!

Stephen Adams

Play-off Hype in Full Swing- Cleveland vs Kansas City

Stephen Adams

Bradley Zimmer, Cleveland Indians No.1 Draft Pick 2014

Stephen Adams