Top Five Fake Headlines

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Baerga, Belle, Lofton

#1. Indians use time traveling DeLorean to bring the 1995 Indians to the present day

And just like that, we have jumped the shark. But, how awesome would this be? The 1995 Indians were a juggernaut and one of the most feared lineups in the history of baseball. Bringing them to the future via the most iconic time machine history has ever seen would be incredible. Combine their offensive powers with some of the Indians present day players and maybe we have something even more magical on our hands. What’s the worst that could happen? So there might be some serious space-time continuum issues in play, but it’s been more than six decades since we’ve won a World Series. Desperate times call for desperate measures. So what if time stops or a black hole opens up or something. It would be worth it, right?