Growing up in an American League city in the 80’s and 90’s the type of baseball I have come to be most familiar with is naturally American League baseball. I learned the game from watching the Indians and any number of different opponents pass through town and as a result I have learned to love the style and brand of baseball that comes along with it. That means embracing the designated hitter to the fullest degree.
Scott Rovak-USA TODAY Sports
Ask a baseball purist their thoughts on the matter and they are likely to break out into a 35 minute diatribe against the DH and everything it stands for. It is the bastardization of the game they will say, or it removes any and all strategy. Instead of the nuances required in learning how to best utilize the double switch, the DH has dumbed down the game as a whole. You crazy kids and your…
Oh, sorry. I fell asleep contemplating whether I want to see my pitcher come up to the plate and flail away at three pitches next inning or the inning after. Because that’s exciting. How about finding an answer to this question. Why is it that as soon as you put a batting helmet on a pitcher and place a bat in his hands he looks like the least athletic person, not just on the field, but in the entire stadium? These are professional athletes who were more than likely the most feared hitters on their little league teams. Why is it that they look like they’ve never seen a bat before, let alone hold one in their hands?
By all means, I’m not saying that the National League should be forced to adopt the DH. ANyone who grew up in a National League city rooting for a National League team probably has feelings as strong as mine but that are in favor of eliminating the DH altogether. And that’s fine. I can appreciate that opinion and understand why those individuals feel that way.
So what do you say? What’s your opinion on the DH or no DH issue? Answer our poll question below or feel free to drop us a line in any of the numerous ways in which we can be reached. You know the drill: @WahoosonFirst, Facebook,