Trevor Bauer Writes and Records Our Theme Song

For those of you who may have listened to “Wahoo’s on the Mic” earlier today (if you aren’t you’re missing out), or who happened to be in the know ahead of time, then you are well aware that Trevor Bauer helped us out by contributing a song to use for the podcast’s intro.

Eric P. Mull-USA TODAY Sports

It came to be when our very own Ed Carroll (@edtherevelator) reached out to Trevor on Twitter following the very first episode of Wahoo’s on the Mic to see if he would be interested in throwing something together for us. As you may or may not already know, in Trevor Bauer’s free time he enjoys writing and recording rap music so it seemed like a really good idea at the time. Surprisingly, he responded and after a couple of weeks of writing and recording in the lab, Trevor sent us this musical masterpiece. We couldn’t have been anymore excited and grateful for him taking the time to contribute to Wahoo’s on First and we hope you all enjoy this as much as the rest of us.

Like it, share it, and get the word out!

And Trevor, once again, thank you from everyone here at Wahoo’s on First for taking the time and putting so much effort into giving us such an awesome song to use.

You can follow Trevor on Twitter @BauerOutage

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“Gutter To The Grail” <– Click to engage MP3 version
