Crowdsourcing the 2013 Cleveland Indians Top Prospects List

Spring Training is underway, which means prospect-rating season is in full swing. Many of the prospect gurus have already released their top prospects rankings for 2013, and they’re always fun to read through.

From Photobucket, by Tony Lastoria

But great as all the experts’ lists are, there’s one thing they lack: democracy. And so, in the interest of giving the people a voice, we at Wahoo’s on First are putting together a crowdsourced Cleveland Indians top prospects list for 2013 and opening the voting to the public. We want you to help us pick the most promising players in the Tribe’s system!

A few quick rules for the voting:

  • List your top 10 Indians prospects in order. You must list 10 players for your ballot to be counted.
  • Any player who has not yet lost his “rookie” status is considered a prospect; any player who has lost his “rookie” status is ineligible.
  • Lists that are incomplete or contain one or more ineligible players will not be counted.
  • One list per person, please.

Voting will end February 25. Thanks for your participation!

Click here to vote if a ballot does not appear.
