Hey All You Wahoo Maniacs Out There!

First, allow myself to tell you a little about, well, myself.

I’m Jon Rudder,  a sophomore at Ye Old West Virginia University, where greatness is learned and couches are burned.

I am the biggest oxymoron that you will come across, seriously. I grew up in eastern Ohio, go to school in West Virginia (I know, like you didn’t know West Virginia University was in West Virginia) and work (well, intern) in Pennsylvania. My two favorite sports are hockey and baseball. I love snow and the beach and hate school but love college.

I played baseball as a kid and immediately loved the Indians. I guess you could say I jumped on the bandwagon but I’ve never jumped off. I also watch the Pirates, but eh, that’s when there’s nothing good on Comedy Central.

My first ballgame was a Pirates game on July 12, 1997. The only combined, extra-inning no-hitter in Major League Baseball history. It was a sellout crowd at Three Rivers Stadium, fireworks night, and Mark Smith hit a pinch-hit home run in the bottom of the 10th inning to win it. As we were leaving the stadium, my dad told me,  “Now not every game is going to be like this.”

My first Indians game, July 3, 1999. Jim Thome hit the longest home run in Jacobs Field (no I will not call it “Progressive Field”) history. It was well above 90 degrees, my dad’s knees got sun burnt, and some crazy lady behind us was infatuated with “GONZO!!!”

Dad loves the Browns, hates Art Modell, and is also a Tribe fan. I followed suit.

Here comes the part where you might think, “WTF??”

I’m a Penguins fan, but that’s where it stops. I’ve watched the Penguins ever since I could roller skate. There’s really no rivalry there so I think it works. If you disagree, I hope you don’t hold it against me. I know several Penguins fans that are Cavaliers fans, who also hate He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. However, let me make this clear,  I LOATHE the Steelers.

But that’s enough about that. I’m tremendously excited to be writing for this blog. The Indians have remained my favorite team through the good times and bad. I hope to accomplish a number of things here; give you some good Tribe info with a little bit of entertainment, keep my writing skills sharp, and hopefully make Deep Left Field  one of the best damn blogs in the land.

I hope you enjoy.

